
A modern brand and website for an African challenger bank Oze

Oze is a fast growing fintech startup serving Ghana and Nigeria markets. They provide SMEs with mobile-first tools to manage their business, knowledge to better understand their business, and capital to take their business to the next level.

Fintech branding and website design. Smartphone applications. "Oze" "Friday" "Calendar"

Oze needed a refreshed brand and website that reflected a more mature business and that suited the fintech marketplace.

Fintech branding and website design. Laptop displaying Oze website. "Unlock your business success" "Oze"

Oze wanted to create a brand and website that clearly explains the services and products they offer. Communicating how they shine above their competitors.

Fintech branding and website design. Various mobile screens. "Business App" "See what Oze can do for your business."

Battalion worked closely with them to help give prospective clients a clear channel of communication. Part of the strategy entailed creating a brand-new CMS, easy enough for Oze to scale the site when needed. The primary goals of updating the website and branding were to boost conversions and product downloads. While also seamlessly integrating with Hubspot and their app to provide more robust analytics for data analysis.

Fintech branding and website design. 3d figure. "Oze" Fintech branding and website design. 3d figure. "Oze"

Oze centres its values around honesty, quality, and simplicity, aiming for their product to be recognised as the highest quality: simple and intuitive to use. Striving to become ubiquitous across Africa. Our approach was to go through brand values exercises to clearly define Oze’s values, in support of the updated branding.

Fintech branding and website design. Various website banners. "Get a loan for your business when it matters." "Get paid. Easy."
Fintech branding and website design. Social media templates. "Michael" "Kwaku" "Oze means business"

We took Oze through discovery and branding exercises so we could define wireframes, all new iconography, logo design, and user journeys for the website. We even designed push notifications to add a gamification element to their app experience. They also wanted to experiment with personification of the brand. This led to the development of their coach mascot featured on both their app and their website, which represents Oze’s desire to nurture and support small businesses.

Fintech branding and website design. 3d smartphone. "Oze"

Now Oze sports a refreshed brand identity, an entirely new logo, brand guidelines, the animated coach character, comprehensive marketing assets and templates in both print and digital. But most importantly, a new corporate website reflecting the refreshed identity professionally and engagingly.

Fintech branding and website design. Brand guidelines. "Logo mark" "Accent colours" "Photography"

We created a logo mark that represented financial transactions as well as communicating ideas of business knowledge and support. We developed some 3D ideas with the mark, as well as deconstructing it to create a playful set of assets.

Fintech branding and website design. Man with t-shirt. "Oze"
Fintech branding and website design. Brand card. "Oze means business"
Fintech branding and website design. GUI guide. "Website GUI Guide" "Oze Type Sizes"

To inject some fun and vibrancy into the brand. Using the gamification aspect of the app as inspiration, we created a bank of 3D assets that represent the uses of the app, such as unlocking achievements, tips and information. A 3D mascot was developed, offering Oze more expression than a flat 2d character.

Fintech branding and website design. Website banner. "Trusted by 150,000+ growing businesses"
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